Vulnerable Pregnant Women Project


Cambodia's maternal mortality is one of the highest, with a global ranking of 133 (UNICEF, 2004). Recent studies showed that up to 80% of women have deliveries outside of health care facilities and only 37% of pregnant women deliver with assistance of a skilled birth attendants (MoH, 2002).

About the project: 

Vulnerable Pregnant Women Project was funded by OBG, an Italian donor and was implemented by CDMD organization. This project was conducted in Takeo Province. 

The main objective of this project is to ensure access to psychological and medical services for vulnerable and disadvantaged women during the delicate period of pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery. 

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Our donors

The generous support of an Italian NGO called OBPG, we have been able to help many poor and vulnerable pregnant women and their families in Cambodia.

                                                Vulnerable Pregnant Women Project

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Current situations

Through capacity buildings of teachers on inclusive education for children with disabilities and building accessibilities in his school, Saroeun can study happily with other children in his community. In present, he really enjoys his daily activities and he also gets good results in his study. Moreover, he is now able to help his parents to do household chores when he is free from school.

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