multi-level approach

A lot can be achieved through working with immediate and extended families, community members and service providers, yet without the commitment of local government—on the district, provincial and national level—changes towards the rights of people with disabilities can be more difficult to sustain.

Therefore, we have established an Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), which sets out detailed roles and responsibilities for the Community-Based Rehabilitation Project in order to ensure good cooperation in implementation and evaluation of the project, according to the Cambodian Government's policy guidelines. 

Also, we work closely with MoSVY officers in order to maximize the transfer of skills and strengthening local technical expertise and capacity.

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international partnerships

On international level CDMD collaborates with various international organisations for example CBM, APCD, AusAid and WHO.

“The partnership of CBM and CDMD goes back a long way and began in 1993 with the implementation of the first program to work together with people with visual impairments. With CDMD’s collaboration with other key stakeholders the CBR program has enabled many people with disabilities to receive medical interventions of many kinds, and raise the standards of living and educational opportunities for people with visual impairments and other disabling conditions. CBM is committed to support this initiative and looks forward to continued collaboration in the future.” - Liz Cross, Deputy Regional Director CBM CEARO (CBM co-worker) 

To read the complete recommendation of CBM, go to our report archives. 


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